My overall experience on campus was very good, but at first it was a little hard to adjust to. The university is very large and has about 30,000 students compared to my school back in the states that has as bout 2,500 students. Getting used to the size of the campus and the number of people took a little while but after some time I began to appreciate it.
Once my classes started in earnest I got to meet some incredible people from all over the world. This was mainly due to the Spanish classes I took through the Centro Superior de Idiomas as the classes were for all international students. One of my favorite memories from one of those classes was when the five girls that made up my class started talking and the woman from Mozambique in our class shared a lot about the situation in her country. I am incredibly greatful to have had the opportunity to meet people like this who helped me not only in my learning of a new language but in my understanding of the world.
One of my favorite things about campus is how pretty it is. Right now everything is green and when the sky is boy and the sun is shinning campus looks incredibly beautiful. On the days when I have to eat at school I love sitting outside and eating the lunch my host mom packed for me. The fact that it is still warm enough to do so in December is crazy to me since I am used to lots of snow at this time of the year.
One of my favorite study place on campus is the second floor of the main library right by the windows. From there one can see the mountains on the outskirts of the city and the view is honestly incredibly! I could sit there and study for hours with a view like that! It is something I am definitely going to miss next semester.
Unfortunately I don't have many pictures of the university but here a couple that show some building and just how green and beautiful campus is! And here is the website to see everything that the UA offers!
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