Spanish Studies Abroad Student Blogger

Spanish Studies Abroad Student Blogger
Student Blogger

Monday, November 23, 2015

Mercadillo de Teulada

It has been about a month since my last entry so I have a lot to catch you up on! I've been very busy this last month but things have started calming down now.

One thing I have done a couple of times this last month is frequenting one of the local farmers markets, the Mercadillo de Teulada. To get to the market from my house it is about a twenty minute walk uphill, but it is usually very enjoyable because I am able to chat with my host mom the whole time.

The Mercadillo is held in a parking lot behind the sports complexes of the city and is often filled with soccer fans cars when it is not a market day. The Mercadillo is held every Thursday and Saturday from around 8:00 to 14:00. I usually go on Thursday mornings, and have found they are calmer than Saturdays.

My favorite part about the Mercadillo are the piles of fresh fruits and vegetables! There are so many and it makes me so happy, especially since I know I will get to be eating great healthy food for the next week.

As you can see from the pictures above there is a huge variety of products! Right now there are a ton of oranges and because of that I probably have at least four everyday. The mushrooms that they have recently started selling have honestly been delicious, and this is coming from someone who before coming to Spain absolutely hated mushrooms! The Mercadillo also has a lot of clothes and shoes and other household products. I think my best day of purchases was when I got a scarf and a pair of shoes for a total of 4 euros, and they are both great quality!  I wish I would have gone to the market with my host mom sooner as I could have avoided spending so much money on clothes at the beginning! I will definitely be doing my shopping there if I need any other clothes. Another thing I really like about the Mercadillo is how friendly the vendors are. On more than one occasion they have offered up recipes or thrown in some extra food just to be nice, and they often remember you, assuming you've gone to their stand a couple of times.

I would definitely recommend checking out the Mercadillo de Teulada if you get the chance!

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